J.C. Rimell Shares Her Journey From Twilight Reader to Paranormal Writer

I’m happy to host J.C. Rimell, who recently self-published Eternal Souls, the first of her Shadow Creek series, and will soon publish the second book, Tainted Souls. Readers have loved her storytelling; one reader writes, “Rimell has a wonderful talent for setting a mood and giving us those little details which place us right in the action.”

In this interview, you’ll learn what got J.C. writing, what’s helped her the most, and why she chose to self-publish.

How long have you wanted to be a romance writer? When did you decide to write a book?

Even as a kid I was always creative, but I’ve been writing ‘seriously’ over the past six years and have always loved the romance genre. I was driving along in my car one day and the beginning of a story just popped into my head! I got home and just started to write and haven’t stopped!

What inspired you to write this story?

I fell in love with the Paranormal Romance genre after a friend introduced me to the Twilight Saga. I know…I know…but I loved it and still do! After that, I was hooked and couldn’t stop reading. When I decided to take my writing more seriously, it felt natural to write what I love.

Describe your process for writing this particular book.

The outline of the story was there from the beginning. It had a different name, and some of the characters had different names, but the ideas were all there.

Nothing is ever set in stone, though! As my characters developed, the story shifted and changed too. My characters have minds of their own!

How long did it take to complete?

It took around four months to complete the first draft. The writing part is the easy bit! After that, it took months of editing.

Was this the first book you had written?

No. I’ve written other novels, but the writing and prose just weren’t there. Writing really is a craft, and you only get better by doing it all the time. Plus, it can take a while to find your own voice and style. I’m still learning. Eternal Souls is the first book I’ve published.

Did you work on simultaneous projects?

While I was writing Eternal Souls I concentrated solely on that project. Now, I’m writing the second book in the series, but I’m also dabbling in other areas of romance too.

What was the rest of your life like while writing the book?

Busy! I’m a mom of two (a nine year old and an eleven year old), and my husband works away so I have to hold the fort and do everything. Some days I don’t even get to sit at my desk, especially like recently, when one of the kids are sick. I’m too mentally fatigued to concentrate.

How do you fit your writing into the rest of your life?

I squeeze it in wherever and whenever I can. I mostly write at night, but if I have quiet time in the day I’ll nab the chance.

Were you involved in a writers’ group?

I live in rural France and so there aren’t many writers’ groups or book groups. I rely heavily on the internet and social media.

Who gave you feedback as you worked through writing the book?

I gave a copy to someone my husband worked with, someone I didn’t know personally. She loved the story, and that gave me the confidence to move forward. When my book was complete I contacted an editor, who gave me the initial feedback on the story. It was expensive but worth it.

I re-edited and filled in those loopholes I just didn’t see. Once the book was out there, a reader contacted me with a very honest critique. It was invaluable to me.

I unpublished and contacted another editor who kindly helped me get my book into shape. As writers, we don’t always see our errors.

It taught me that having other people read and proofread your work is crucial before you publish.

What kept you going through the process?

The writing is fun, and it just came naturally. I love to write, so I write for myself first. The hardest part was getting requests from agents and then rejections. But it was a great learning curve. My writing wasn’t ready then, and when I felt that it was, I decided to self-publish. I suffer from self-doubt, highs, and lows just like anyone. You really have to believe in yourself to keep going and remember that reading is subjective. Not everyone is going to like what you write.

What made you decide to publish independently?

I think independent publishing has come a long way. It’s easy with all the options available to Indie authors now. It can be stressful, though!

I believe in traditional publishing too. Self-publishing felt right at the time and allows me the freedom to write without critical deadlines.

How did you decide to publish with Amazon?

Amazon felt like the right place to start and was a great introduction to self-publishing. Now I’m reformatting my novel so I can publish on other platforms and print on demand too.

What was the biggest challenge of publishing independently?

The formatting! I’m no computer whizz, so this was frustrating.

What advice would you give aspiring writers?

The best advice I can give aspiring writers is paying close attention to the editing! One thing I’ve learned is that you need beta readers and proofreaders.

It took me twice as long to edit my book because I didn’t have either. In the end I had to pay a professional to help me, but it was worth it.



A lethal soldier and a deadly shifter, Cade has pledged his life to serve and protect alongside his Shadow Pack members. Dangerous missions and assassinations are what he lives for, but all that changes when Kit McCoy arrives in Shadow Creek. She’s beautiful and fascinating and has stirred an animal instinct within him he can’t escape.
Kit can’t deny she wants the elusive and darkly handsome Cade Grayson. Everything about him sets her pulse racing and her body craving his touch, but wracked with guilt and emotionally scarred by a tragic accident, Kit refuses to give in to her desires.

When Kit is snatched by the unknown, supernatural species they call the Others sweeping through the town and taking humans with them, she is thrust into a world that blurs between reality and one still unknown to her. A hunt is on for the killers, and Kit has a choice to make that will change her life forever. To surrender her heart means losing a part of herself she isn’t sure she can sacrifice, but walking away means forsaking the only man she’s ever loved…





J.C. was born in London, England but grew up in a few different locations as a child. She had various jobs from the age of sixteen, her longest career was as a police officer, until marrying and settling in rural France with her husband and two children. A friend introduced her to the world of paranormal romance novels and she’s been hooked ever since.

J.C. is a lover of animals, films, music, reading, hitting the gym, coffee, and chocolate. When she’s not shut away in her own fantasy world writing, her favorite past time is walking in the forest with her two best doggy friends, Skye and Mini. She loves being a mom, and she could never forget the two little people in her life that rule my heart – forever and always.

J.C. writes about love and seduction in a world where shifters are lethally sexy, vampires are dark and tempting, and the Alpha male is a force to be reckoned with…